How do I file for divorce in Pinal County?

To start your dissolution or divorce, you must complete a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with Children or a Petition for Dissolution Without Children and file it with the court. The form is available at the ECourt site and/or the Pinal County Clerk of Court.

Does divorce hurt your credit?

Getting divorced Actually filing for divorce doesn't directly impact credit scores, but if you have late or missed payments on accounts as a result, it may negatively impact credit scores. In community property states, property – and debts – acquired during the marriage are generally owned equally by both spouses.

Is a husband responsible for Wife credit card debt?

But in addition, debts incurred by you or your spouse during your marriage, regardless of whose name is on it, are generally deemed to be community debts, and both spouses are considered equally liable. So, even if the credit card debt was incurred by your spouse alone, you might be liable for it.

Can I force the sale of my house in a divorce?

If one spouse keeps the family home they may need to equalize the property between them by paying the difference to the other spouse. The legislation in both British Columbia and Alberta allows the Court to force the property to be listed for sale, regardless of whether or not both parties consent.

What is Birdnesting?

For some divorcing or divorced parents, the answer is 'nesting' (also called 'birdnesting'). This means to keep the family residence intact as a home where both parents rotate living with their children, while otherwise dwelling in separate residences.

Can I file for divorce while living in the same house?

If you are both living at the same address at the date of your divorce hearing or intend to keep living in the same home, the court might not grant your divorce application. The court cannot grant a Divorce Order if there is a reasonable likelihood that your relationship will resume.

When a wife leaves the marital home?

When the individual leaves the marital home, he or she will expect a right to privacy. The same is true of the spouse that remains in the marital home. Once the individual leaves, he or she may not have a legal right to access the property if there was no upkeep or monetary payments provided for mortgage or rent.

Can you divorce someone you live with?

Yes, if you are filing for a fault-based divorce or under the “no-fault” option. However, if you plan on filing a separation agreement, this requires that the parties live separate and apart for one year after entering into the agreement.

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